Ikaika Kang Nationality

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Associated Press/Photo by Caleb JonesPaul Delacourt, the FBI special agent in charge of the Hawaii bureau, right, speaks at a news conference as Acting United States Attorney Elliot Enoki, left, listens.

Federal investigators arrested an active duty U.S. soldier Saturday after he pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS) and assisted undercover agents in what he presumed was equipping the terror group. Authorities arrested Ikaika Kang, a 34-year-old sergeant first class in the U.S. Army, in Honolulu, Hawaii. A 26-page affidavit revealed the Army suspected Kang was becoming radicalized in 2016 and asked the FBI to investigate. Army officials revoked Kang’s military clearance in 2012 when he made pro-Islamic State comments but reinstated it a year later, after he completed military requirements. The affidavit said Kang made combat training videos with undercover agents and believed the videos would be sent to the Middle East to help prepare ISIS soldiers to fight American forces. Prior to his arrest, Kang and an undercover agent split the $1,400 cost for a drone, Go-Pro camera, and related equipment. The FBI agents eventually arrested him after he pledged loyalty to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and said he wanted to “take his rifle, his magazines, and kill ‘a bunch of people.’” Paul Delacourt, the FBI agent heading the Hawaii bureau, said Kang gave some military documents to people he thought would send them to ISIS, but they never did. Delacourt also claimed Kang was a lone actor not affiliated with anyone else who poses a threat. Kang enlisted in the Army in December 2001 and served in South Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

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Ikaika Erik Kang, 34, was charged in Hawaii with trying to provide material support to IS but his lawyer questioned his mental health and said he may have been the victim of entrapment. Ikaika Erik Kang, 35, whose sentence was part of a plea agreement, will also be under supervision for 20 years after he completes his prison term. “Kang swore to defend the United States as a member of our military, but betrayed his country by swearing allegiance to IS and attempting to provide it material support,” John Demers, assistant. That on or about July 8, 2 017, in the District of Hawaii, IKAIKA ERIK KANG, the Defendant, did knowingly attempt to provide 'material support or resources,' as that term is defined in Title 18 United States Code, Section 2339A(b), including property, that is, a GoPro Karma drone, a chest rig (which is a piece of military-style equipment worn. US soldier Ikaika Kang watched beheading and suicide videos five hours a day. Apparently after his kidnappers banned him from revealing his identity or nationality. Nationality Act and as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity under section 1(b) of Executive order 13224. On or about May 15, 2014, the Secretary of State. IKAIKA ERIK KANG, the Defendant, did knowingly attempt to provide 'material support or resources,' as that term is defined.

Onize Ohikere

Onize is WORLD's Africa reporter. She is a World Journalism Institute graduate and earned a journalism degree from Minnesota State University-Moorhead. Onize resides in Abuja, Nigeria. Follow her on Twitter @onize_ohiks.

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Federal authorities have arrested a man in Georgia who they are accusing of plotting to attack several prominent locations in Washington, D.C., including the White House, ABC News reported on Wednesday.

The suspect, Hasher Jallal Taheb, had been under investigation by the FBI as part of a sting operation after local authorities reported concerns about him becoming radicalized last March, according to a criminal complaint filed in the federal court in the Northern District of Georgia in Atlanta on Wednesday.

A member of the community had reported to local law enforcement that Taheb had 'become radicalized, changed his name and made plans to travel abroad,' the complaint states.

Taheb applied for a US passport in July, stating that he had misplaced his previous one, and in August he put his vehicle up for sale, telling an FBI informant who expressed interest in buying it that he was selling the car to fund his travel overseas, according to the complaint.

Taheb told the FBI informant in October during a meeting in Cumming, Georgia, that he 'wished to conduct an attack in the United States against targets such as the White House and the Statue of Liberty,' the document states.

The suspect allegedly told the informant that 'jihad was the best deed in Islam and the peak of Islam,' adding that 'it was not complicated at all to do jihad today,' according to the complaint.

In a meeting with the informant and an undercover FBI agent on December 2, Taheb allegedly stated that 'they could do more damage' in the US because abroad they would be 'one of many.' He also allegedly said that he wanted to be a “martyr” and cause as much damage as possible, the complaint states.

On December 7, Taheb allegedly showed the undercover operative a hand-drawn diagram of the White House's West Wing in a composition notebook and asked for help with obtaining weapons and explosives for the attack, the complaint states.

'He said the group would fight to the end and make it a big bang,' according to the document quoted by ABC News.

Ikaika Kang Nationality Actor

Two days later, Taheb allegedly asked the undercover agent via text how 'grocery shopping' was and offered to go with him to purchase the weapons and explosives, the complaint states.


On December 14, Taheb allegedly 'broadened his prospective targets,' indicating that he wished to attack the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial and a 'specific synagogue' in the Washington, D.C. area, which was not named in the complaint. He also discussed the need for a 'base' where they could regroup and 'give a speech to motivate people' and show clips of 'oppressed Muslims,' the document states.

Taheb allegedly met with the undercover agent on January 9 and provided him with two backpacks, stating that he wanted to obtain the weapons within the next week and travel to Washington, D.C., the complaint states. Taheb allegedly told the undercover agent that the explosives would be inside the backpacks and would be detonated with cell phones.

On Saturday, Taheb allegedly met with the FBI informant, providing him with a camera, an American flag and an Israeli flag and stating that he wanted to conduct the attack on Thursday, according to the sworn affidavit.

Taheb, the informant and the undercover agent met in the parking lot of a store in Buford, Georgia, on Wednesday for the 'purpose of exchanging their vehicles for three semi-automatic assault rifles, three explosive devices with remote initiation and one AT-4,' a single-shot smoothbore weapon,' the document states.


Taheb was arrested after he allegedly took possession of two backpacks containing the explosives and the AT-4 and placed them in a rental vehicle, the document states.

Radicalization has become a common phenomenon in the US in recent years, as several Americans have been arrested on charges of support for terrorist groups such as the Islamic State (ISIS). American prosecutors have charged more than 100 individuals since 2013 with ISIS-related crimes.

Ikaika Kang


In October of 2018, a US citizen of Iraqi descent was charged in Chicago with online coordination with the ISIS to recruit and encourage attacks.

Ikaika Kang Nationality Origin

In August of that year, Sgt. 1st Class Ikaika Kang, a Hawaii-based US soldier, pleaded guilty to trying to help ISIS. Kang was arrested in Hawaii a year earlier and was accused of wanting to commit a mass shooting after pledging loyalty to ISIS.

Ikaika Kang Nationality Meaning

In 2017, a Massachusetts man was sentenced to 28 years in prison after he was convicted of conspiring to support the ISIS in a 2015 plot to attack police and behead anti-Islamist blogger Pamela Geller.