Guild Wars 2 Account Recovery No Serial Code

Guild Wars 2 Serial Code Generator. Guild Wars 2 Serial Code Generator is the easiest way to get a chance to play using a generated Guild Wars 2 Serial Key.

  1. Guild Wars 2 Account Recovery No Serial Code Lookup
  2. Guild Wars 2 Account Recovery No Serial Code Generator
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Ask an account question.

This page is for Guild Wars account related issues.

Please read the following rules before asking your question:

  1. We are not ArenaNet. This is a community support page; we cannot modify your account, and we do not need your access key or password. For official support, go to
  2. Before asking your question, please check the FAQ.
  3. Please search for your question; perhaps it has already been asked and answered. Avoid posting the same question twice.
  4. To ask a new question, click the 'Click here to ask your question' link below. You must fill out the Subject/Headline field.
  5. Please sign your question by typing -- ~~~~ or by clicking on the at the end of your question.
  6. Please do not include your e-mail address. This is to prevent you from receiving spam emails. E-mail addresses may be removed from existing comments.
  7. Check this page for the response(s) to your question. These may take up to a day - please be patient. Do not expect email replies.
  8. If you have a follow-up question, add it by clicking the 'edit' link next to your question's section.
  9. If you are satisfied with the response given, we encourage you to post a follow-up note saying so.
  10. Buying, selling, trading and sharing accounts is prohibited by the EULA. We cannot help you with problems arising from these activities.

GUILD WARS 2 KEYGEN CRACK HACK SERIAL KEY DOWNLOAD. So I just purchased Guild Was 2 from Best Buy, I take it home, crack it open, and after all the installation was finished its now time to create my account. Apparently i need a serial key to make my account but my problem is there's no serial key anywhere on the game case, or CD's. I even read the entire manual, and found nothing. You'll use it on the forums and in Guild Wars 2. The name and four-digit code will be your handle on the forums. The name and four-digit code will be your handle on the forums. The four-digit code does not appear in the game itself unless another player chooses the same name, in which case both your name and the four-digit code will appear. More information about guild wars 2 account creation: Step One: Register Your Serial Code. Go to and enter your serial code. Under Do you have a Guild Wars account? Select Yes or No. If you selected Yes, enter your Guild Wars username in the E-mail address field.

Why doesn't my Guild Wars 2 serial code work?

Why doesnt my guild wars 2 serial code work when i try to register for an account it says its a preorder code and they dont accept it. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by184.48.139.76 (talk) at 01:45, 2012 July 19 (UTC).

This is the Guild Wars wiki, not Guild Wars 2.
I can think of two possibilities. One, you tried registering a Guild Wars 2 serial code in Guild Wars 1, which won't work for obvious reasons.
The second case, if you bought the code from someone else, you got scammed. When you pre-purchase GW2, an account is automatically created and registered - i.e. don't need to manually enter the serial code. -- 05:23, 25 July 2012 (UTC)

Changing email address?

moved from Talk:Account#Changing_email_address.3F

I have a new account, which has the capability to change it's email. Any older accounts are unable to do it, is there another way? My older account is linked to an email that I lost, so I was curious.--Saera Serena 23:51, 27 July 2012 (UTC)

Guild wars 2 account recovery no serial code free
You need to contact support about it. So far, ANet has promised that we will be able to change email addresses (for GW1, GW2, and linked accounts), but so far, I haven't seen any details. – Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 08:47, 28 July 2012 (UTC)

Says it can't recognize my e-mail address when trying to log in

as stated in the headline, guild wars says it cannot recognize my e-mail when i KNOW that's the e-mail i used to sign up with. Even if i do change the password, it's been so long since ive played that i dont even remember any of the name of the characters on the account. help? :D --The preceding unsigned comment was added by108.23.62.95 (talk • contribs) at 08:01, 30 July 2012 (UTC).

As the little floating red box to the right says, we are not ArenaNet. Try contacting ArenaNet Support. -- 14:33, 30 July 2012 (UTC)

concerning the account question page.

why is pretty much every awnser 'we are NOT arenanet, please contact their support for this matter' when you have an entire page dedicated to awnsering questions about accounts? the word 'help' doesn't solely mean that you have to dig into their actual account to sort things out for them. explain stuff.. you know, like a wiki does. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by86.84.86.231 (talk) at 21:58, 31 July 2012 (UTC).

Try reading the archives if you think we never answer anyone's questions properly. Sarcasm: May I recommend you contact support.19pxChieftain Alex 22:36, 31 July 2012 (UTC)
If the question is 'help, I can't log on,' then the answer is always 'contact support.' There really is nothing we wiki users can do to help other than point people in the right direction. --snograt 23:25, 31 July 2012 (UTC)
There was a time when there were bits of advice we could offer, which is why we have a page dedicated to the topic. But that changed with the creation of the official forums (which are much more efficient than anything that we could do here, even at peak levels of participation). (Personally, I think we should lock this page and just link people to the forums; that's how we handle bug notes, for which the wiki used to devote an entire set of pages.) – Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 04:29, 1 August 2012 (UTC)
Yeap, I feel alike. Also there is this other issue to worry about: usage of {{noarchive}}. Yoshida Keijitalk 04:37, 1 August 2012 (UTC)
This page shouldn't link only to the support forums, since one needs to know their account name, password, and a character name to login and post a comment on the forums, which they won't be able to do if they forgot one or more of those and the question they wanted to ask was 'I forgot my account name, password, and/or a character name, what can I do?' Instead, this page could link to GWW:FAQ#Game account (where the most common account questions are answered) and at the end of that section (in the 'Don't see your answer?' subsection) change: '[[Help:Ask an account question|Click here]] to ask a question.' to '[[Support|Click here]] for methods to contact support.' --Silver Edge 09:21, 1 August 2012 (UTC)
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Accounts are collections of characters associated with a single set of login credentials.

Account types[edit]

The original Buy-to-Play business model has since been modified by the introduction of totally free accounts (Play4Free), which include restrictions. You may see references to 4 different account types with varying access to content. Upgrading from P4F to other account types unlocks additional access and content. In order of decreasing access to content the different account types are:

  • Full, unrestricted access to all content, free to play after one-time purchases of both Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire.
  • Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire (expansion), unrestricted access to core game and Path of Fire content, free to play after one-time purchase, or Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns (expansion), unrestricted access to core game and Heart of Thorns content, free to play after one-time purchase.
  • Guild Wars 2 (original), unrestricted access to core game, but no Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire features, free to play after purchase, no longer available for purchase from ArenaNet.
  • Free Account, restricted access to core game, no expansion features, unlimited time, totally free.
  • Trial Account, obsolete (no longer available), limited time access with restrictions similar to free accounts.

Creating an account[edit]

A new account is created when using a 25-character alphanumeric serial code (also known as an access key). The serial code can appear on the distribution media or sent digitally via email. The serial code is associated with an email address and password that are entered into the login screen. Free accounts do not require a serial code.


  • For account-related issues, players can create a support ticket or use the in-game support panel.
  • If an account is compromised then an Account Restoration can be requested.


Free accounts Upgrade prompt

A free account can currently be upgraded by purchasing the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns expansion or the Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire expansion. Both include a new serial code. This serial code can be used to create a new account or upgrade an existing core or Play4Free account. Both expansions have 3 different editions: Standard, Deluxe and Ultimate. (See comparisons of the different editions for HoT and PoF). There is no discount available for those who purchased the original release (prior to August 2015), or the previous expansion(s), but you can buy Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire together. This bundle costs less than buying the two expansions separately.

There are three ways to purchase an upgrade: 1) via the Black Lion Trading Company; 2) by clicking the upgrade prompt always visible in the upper-left corner of free accounts, or 3) by make a purchase via the official website shop and then logging into the ArenaNet website to redeem the serial code.

Additionally, activation of a legacy 'Heroic Edition' serial code will upgrade an account and lift all free-to-play restrictions without granting any expansion access. Heroic Edition keys were the retail equivalent to the original Digital Deluxe Upgrade - their sale has been discontinued, but they are occasionally issued during special promotions and existing keys are still functional.

Guild Wars 2 Account Recovery No Serial Code


Many characteristics are associated with an account and shared by all characters on an account.

Home world[edit]

Each new account must select a home world as part of the initial setup. This selection is only relevant when accessing World versus World. Accounts can be transferred to a different world once every 7 days, if the new world is not full.

If there are no characters in the account then the transfer is free. Otherwise, there is a cost that is determined by the population of the new world. The account is logged out during the transfer process, which might take 5-30 minutes.

Initial resources[edit]

New (paid/fully unlocked) accounts receive the following:

  • 5 character slots (initially empty) — additional character slots can be purchased from the Gem Store
  • Account vault
    • Bank (30-slot) — additional Bank Tab Expansions can be purchased from the Gem Store
    • Material Storage (250 per item) — additional Storage Expanders can be purchased from the Gem Store
  • Starting equipment, received following character creation, which includes armor, a weapon, and a 20-slot bag.


  • Account Bound items
  • Items that are stored in the Account Vault
  • Currency stored in the Wallet


  • Achievements and titles
  • PvP Rank and PvP Reward Tracks

Upgrades and unlocks[edit]

Player interactions[edit]

  • Contacts are shared across the entire account.
  • Mail sent by another player can be read and deleted by any character in the account. However, selected game-generated mail can only be read and deleted by one character.
  • Guilds can be associated with an account. Each character can choose to represent a different one of five guilds. Only one character per account needs to be invited, since each will show up in the guild roster as a single member, however, each character must individually press the 'represent' button to enable their participation with that guild.


Certain limitations apply to all accounts. Guild Wars 2 (original) accounts do not have access to Heart of Thorns (expansion) or Path of Fire (expansion) features. In particular, they are not able to use gliding, obtain any mount and unlock the mastery points in central Tyria. Additional limitations apply only to free accounts.

Character level requirement[edit]

Some content is restricted until at least one character on the account has reached the minimum level requirement, after which all characters in the account have access, regardless of level.


Cannot compose mail until level 6, but may receive mail.

User interface
  • Map completion icons on World Map - hidden until level 4.
  • World versus World icon — hidden until level 18.
  • Structured PvP icon — hidden until level 22.

These game modes can still be accessed through the asura gates in Lion's Arch or key binding the panels.

Game mechanics

Hero challenges unlocked at level 11.

Daily achievements
  • 1 achievement per category — unlocked by default
  • 3 achievements per category — unlocked at level 11
  • 4 achievements per category — unlocked at level 31

Time requirement[edit]

Some content is restricted until sufficient real-world time has passed. Use the Chat command '/age' to display: the number of days since account creation, the number of hours played by all characters and the number of hours played by the current character.

Three day

There is a 72-hour restriction on:

  • Currency Exchange in the Gem store after account creation to combat botting and scams.
  • All deposits and withdrawals to the Guild Vault after joining a guild. The time remaining is shown on the Guild Vault display and the entire vault is 'grayed out'. This timer is reset if you leave and rejoin a guild. It is not affected by either Guild Rank or Vault permissions.
Five day

The trading post limits (ability to buy or sell certain items) is removed 5 days after purchasing an expansion.

Seven day

There is a restriction of 500 per week on the total amount any account may receive from a Guild Vault or via in-game mail. If this is exceeded using the Guild Vault then the 'withdraw' button is 'greyed out'. If exceeded using in-game mail then when you hover over the 'Take All' button', you may see:

This would exceed the value allowed to be received by this account this week. Each account can only receive 5,000,000 coins per week through in-game mail or the Guild Vault. Please wait and try again later.

— In-game message

First month

The first 30 days following creation, a new account is limited as follows:

  • Amount of coin that can be mailed. However, any amount can be received.
  • Value of items both deposited into and withdrawn from a Guild Vault.

The amount you are allowed increases approximately one gold every 10 hours. When this amount is exceeded, the error message that appears is:

This transfer would exceed the total value of transfers allowed for new accounts. As you continue to play, your account will be allowed to transfer higher values. New account limits are necessary to protect your online experience from fraud and illegal trading. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

— In-game message

Guild Wars 2 Account Recovery No Serial Code Lookup

  • An unlimited amount of items that have no assigned value can be transferred by new accounts regardless of their price on the Trading Post.
  • Multiple small amounts of gold can be transferred by new accounts even though equivalent large, single transfers are blocked.

Free accounts[edit]

3 of 5 character slots locked out

Free accounts have a number of additional restrictions placed on them, with the intent of preventing malicious persons from using them to disrupt the game and to encourage purchase of the game.

  • Initial character slots (2). The other 3 of 5 initial slots are locked.
  • Bag slots per character (3): 20 Slot Starter Bag plus 2 expansion slots, initially empty.
  • In-game mail limited to mutual friends; prohibits sending coin and items, but they can both be received.
  • Guild hall features: Guild Vault, Guild Enhancements and Guild Portal are unavailable, but full access to all other guild features.
  • Login rewards unavailable
  • Gem Store limited to items usable by free accounts
  • Currency Exchange — gems to gold exchange available, gold to gems exchange unavailable
  • Transferring to different worlds is unavailable, except through customer service. (Customer service will, as a one-time service, assist free players who initially chose the wrong server.)[1]
  • Official forum posting unavailable

Character level requirement[edit]

  • Maps and Content — starter maps only until character level 10; Lion's Arch unlocked at character level 35.
    • In-game message is: 'You must be level 35 to enter this area. You can open your map by pressing M and travel to other starting zones. Upgrade your account by purchasing Path of Fire to access this area immediately.'
    • There is one waypoint in every starting area automatically available for transport before level 35.
  • PvP unlocked at level 3.
  • Looking For Group unlocked at character level 30
  • World versus World unlocked at character level 60


  • Players cannot use map chat, but can see it.
  • Whisper chat is limited to mutual friends and people in the same map. Mentors can talk to players via whisper.
  • Players cannot use custom emotes. (/e, /me, etc., but can still use emotes such as /talk, /dance, etc.)
  • Squad chat unlocked at character level 30.
  • PvP chat:
    • team chat available
    • PvP Lobby chat unlocked at PvP Rank 20
    • emotes, map chat, and say chat disabled during matches

Trading Post[edit]

Trading Post is limited, either for buying or selling, to items from a selected list, which are as follows:

  • fine, masterwork, rare and exotic crafted armor, crafted weapons (including Primordus weapons) and trinkets, but only:
    • Single attribute: Mighty, Precise, Resilient, Vital, Malign, Healing
    • Dual attribute: Hearty, Honed, Hunter's, Ravaging, Rejuvenating, Strong, Vigorous
    • Triple attribute: Apothecary's, Assassin's, Berserker's, Carrion, Cleric's, Knight's, Rampager's, Valkyrie
  • orbs, crystals, shards etc. with the above-mentioned stats (incl. Passion Flower)
  • unrefined common crafting materials (no pigments)
  • fine crafting materials: blood, bones, claws, dust, fangs, scales, totems, venom sacs, karka shells, watchwork sprockets
  • nearly all cooking materials
  • some food and utilities: Plate of Truffle Steak, Bowl of Lemongrass Poultry Soup, Bowl of Poultry and Leek Soup, Orange Cake, Mango Pie, Glazed Peach Tart, Strawberry Ghost, Master Tuning Crystal, Superior Sharpening Stone, Master Maintenance Oil
  • Globs of Ectoplasm, Mystic Coins, Quartz Crystals, Pieces of Ambrite
  • some bags: 10 Slot Thin Leather Pack, 15 Slot Rugged Leather Pack, 18 Slot Mithril Box, 18 Slot Silk Bag, 18 Slot Thick Leather Pack

Not allowed items will be grayed-out with a locked symbol in the lower-left corner.

Guild Wars 2 Account Recovery No Serial Code Generator

Linking a Guild Wars account[edit]

Accounts can be linked to an original Guild Wars account and gain bonuses through the Hall of Monuments. This service is available in the Game Content section on the official My Account website.

Unlock access to your earned achievements and rewards by linking your Guild Wars account with your ArenaNet account. Enter your original Guild Wars account name and password below to link your accounts. To calculate your achievements and rewards, visit the Hall of Monuments.

Linking is irreversible. Once both accounts are linked, your ArenaNet account information will be used to log in to both Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2.

— My Account website

Guild wars 2 account recovery no serial code download


  • Free Accounts became available on August 29, 2015.
  • Trial Accounts were previously available during trial weekends and had similar restrictions as the Free Accounts.

External links[edit]


  1. ^I picked the wrong server and want to start over.
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